logo within a circle and heading - appdomeDL size logo image


appdome’s reason:

A digital solution helping digital Creators promote their products and maximize their marketing reach.

Our team of experts is passionate about creating and delivering impactful campaigns that capture attention and generate leads. Most of our products are linked to media, organic SEO, lead magnets and email templates. All leading to our landing pages. If your a direct user?

Appdome’s content that drives awareness but also provides information that helps a potential customer engage and find interest in our products or services. There are many types of lead magnets.  I know, I’m not showing them all. Just, providing, what I do with all my products and services currently – pushing out towards my customer base (email) and (media- still in progress). 

And yes will drive to a larger scale later on down the line. But, for now, this is how I create and drive traffic. Using:

Building _Lead Magnet


A whitepaper is an in-depth thought leadership piece that shares unique data, perspective, or advice with your audience.


White papers are sales and marketing documents used to entice or persuade potential customers to learn more about a particular product, service, technology, or methodology.

The facts presented in white papers are often backed by research and statistics from reliable sources and can include charts, graphs, tables, and other ways of visualizing data. A white paper can communicate an organization’s philosophy or present research findings related to an industry.

package eBook with heading and a moon walking man + map of earth - e-book SEO for beginners

Mini guide or ebook.

Ebooks can consist simply of the electronic text or may also contain extras, such as audio, video or hyperlinks.


Unlike whitepapers, ebooks tend not to be data-heavy; they’re easy reading and often conversational guides that help readers fully understand a topic.

eBooks are one of the most powerful lead generation strategies there is. They help attract potential customers and persuade them to register to a mailing list, making eBooks an extremely useful lead generation resource.

Leads mean more revenue, and revenue means more profit. Generating leads to your business.

Here at Appdome we offer mini eBooks as a guide for users to understand the Traffic and SEO much easier. Not only driven through out this website. I will introduce more generating leads with products & services. Which, we will be launching in the near future.

Idea generators

Prospects entering into the middle of your funnel are aware of and interested in your business. Mid-funnel lead magnets should be at least slightly related to your product or brand, but if you’re at the mid-to-top level, you can still dance around it a little bit more.

Mid-funnel lead magnet ideas

  • Expand your audience
  • Develop customer relationships
  • Increase conversions

Content works to support sales. Marketing provides sales with pieces of content like case studies and white papers that sales then uses to engage with leads. Let’s take a look at some of the mid funnel marketing content that works best.

Call to action

With the right call to action, you can persuade people who visit your site or read your content to do something specific, such as:

  • Buy a product
  • Grab a download
  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Read the rest of an article
  • Share a piece of content on social media

And more.

During this stage, you are connecting awareness of your brand to a commitment to purchase. The overarching goal for your middle-of-the-funnel content is two-fold, clearly identify a problem that needs solving. Then, establish your company as the right solution. Marketers need to monitor the behavior of potential customers during this stage, nurturing those leads.

Here, if the information is right then try  it yourself. See how it all works for you.

Building _Landing Page

must click landing pages

A landing page is a webpage designed to persuade users to take one specific action. For example, having users sign up for a newsletter, purchase a product / service.


Unlike web pages, which typically have many goals and encourage exploration, landing pages are designed with a single focus or goal, known as a call to action (or CTA, for short).

No matter what channel you use, the people you’re/ we targeting won’t convert themselves into potential customers. To do that, you’ll need a quality landing page.

Landing page?

A landing page, simply, is any page you direct visitors to from a link. Or, more succinctly, a page a visitor “lands” after clicking a link.

A landing page isn’t just about any page; it’s a page you drive traffic to for one sole purpose: to generate leads.  

Effective landing page

A survey on the effectiveness of landing pages highlighted interesting statistics. 68.2% of landing pages contained more than five call-to-action links, even though it resulted in only 10.5% conversions. On the other hand, landing pages with only one call to action resulted in 13.5% conversions.

Need a landing page

While the exact format may vary, landing pages should include:


  1. a headline that includes the main keyword
  2. subheading that clarifies the heading
  3. a descritpoint of the offer
  4. image, video, or illustration
  5. CTA button or form
  6. (optional) trust elements such as customer logos, reviews, or testimonials

A page on your website where people land after clicking on an ad or piece of content marketing. Its goal is to turn that traffic into leads and keep them interested in your business.

Write _a Blog

Blog _page

Your first blog could be about anything, from an introduction of yourself to diving right into the meat of your chosen niche. Anything is possible as long as your content is engaging. Wow, simply said.

Writing your very first blog post can be both an exciting and scary experience.


Blog _posts

  1. Write about a goal you achieved and how you did it
  2. Write about a mistake you made and what you learned
  1. Answer frequently asked questions
  2. Share your must-have toolkit 
  3. Share the most important truths in your niche
  4. Ask experts to predict upcoming trends
  5. Compile a list of quotes
  6. Write about the latest trends

_________Or simply post your next product?


Post _service

These platforms can also be a useful tool for marketing and branding, as strong blogs can reach a large audience and build a loyal following.


The goal isn’t to get funding right then and there, but to deliver enough information so that the investors will want to hear more.

Try to create a headline that embraces all that madness.

Start a blog from scratch or make blogging part of your business strategy, publishing content online is an effective way to share your knowledge and ideas with the world.

All sounds easy right? NO!

Post _editing

What I do, plan and choose a topic/product/service. Creating an outline, conducting research, and checking the facts.

Some way capture readers attention. Write my post, either writing in draft, or publish as I go. Well, right now, as I go.

Enhance the post improve the flow add image for 1 picture a thousand words, and try not being a perfectionist. As you will notice. I’m NOT?

Try to keep sentences and paragraphs short. There you have it. My Posts!

direct & _follow-up emails

background of the world with computer sending out letters flicking out the computer to the right of the page and out of the image. letters are colored yellow. and mobile with some text to it . _email image _about page

Emails to Send to Grow

As one of the most effective money-making tools, email marketing acts as a primary means for lead generation and serves up an impressive ROI: a return of $38 for every $1 spent. ROI-[Return On Investment].

Email marketing is part of a business’s digital marketing strategy; businesses send marketing messages to specific lists of customers and subscribers. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into customers and turn one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates.

Launching a sale or promotion? You can send your subscribers an email marketing campaign to drive sales.  In addition, try using these email marketing techniques to further boost conversions.

male hand showing holding phone below of a female hand scrolling and a whole lot of line are letters flicking away from her hands, coming from the mobile _email 2 image _about Page

First, I will look into identifying my target audience. Getting leads for my email marketing campaign is to identify.

With the chosen few products, based on my own experience or expert advice, create an irresistible offer. Leverage my way through social media. Still working on my social media. As I build keep my customers and subscribers engaged with valuable content and offers/ blog updates. And keep with my character, some one out there might like. lol.

Using ? email systems

If you’re serious about email marketing, you need to work with an email marketing service provider. Working with a provider is the only way your business can leverage email marketing automation to effectively deliver messages to large groups of contacts or subscribers.[ elemailer ].

Develop long term customer relationships when you customize email automation’s according to channel engagement, profile and event data, predictive analytics, and platform integrations.

Email marketing is time-consuming and difficult to know if you’re doing it right. You’re constantly juggling design, content, audience selection, managing campaigns & trying to interpret endless reports to understand what worked and what didn’t.

thank you _page

blue sky with a love hearten layout of a flower with stem attached - thank you Page _about Page

benefit Thank You

Thank you pages are one of the biggest missed opportunities in digital marketing today. The moment after someone says “yes” to you – whether they’ve just placed an order, signed up for your mailing list, or whatever action they’ve taken – is an opportunity to show them they just made a great decision.

It’s also an opportunity to get them to keep saying yes to you, and to make sure they follow through on the action they just took.

Think of it this way: you may never have an easier, more natural opportunity to give a customer something that pleasantly surprises them and precisely fits what they want. 

How do you know what your customer wants? They just told you exactly what they want, by following a call-to-action on your site.

Thank You_Steps Taken to Take

Steps Taken to Take

  • Yes but later – Ask for referrals
  • Social Sharing buttons
  • Personalized Content
  • Add Testimonials (later)
  • Inspire Engagement
  • Up-sell or Cross-sell Products
  • more…

Simply showing/sending personalized thank you emails. It’s a small gesture, but it gives your customers a sense of satisfaction. appreciation, and gratitude.

Also, I can add what they need to do, if applicable. Offer a link that may, if need to continue. I’m glad to help. Basically,

Show your customers how much their business means to you with our thank you note samples and email templates.

Social Media Promo

a womans face in blue and looks as if the back image is on a roof building top colored in blue and many icons around the face - Icon social media example image

media channels

Most of the digital media provide two-way communication with customers, quick response, high engagement rate, segmentation opportunities, and ways to measure the effectiveness of this media channel. Social network advertising.

Marketing on social network sites has to follow new rules and principles and each organization has to clearly determine if social media
marketing is appropriate for them or not. Communication through internet is more
specified, with effective interactive strategy among its users.

Gaining brand awareness and brand recognition is one of any business’ most important marketing goals. That’s because consumers want to buy brands they recognize. Many shoppers even have certain degrees of brand loyalty, which leads to long-term business benefits. Thankfully, social media allows for easy and effective brand building.

dark night city with some human face icons on top of buildings - social media example2 _about page image

Using Social Media

Social media is a great place to start if you’re thinking about branching out and exploring new marketing avenues.

Instagram is an excellent way for businesses with visual products (like clothing or jewelry) to showcase their work. Twitter can be a powerful tool for building relationships and customer service. Facebook is the most popular platform on the web, so it’s worth experimenting with. YouTube, well can’t wait to begin my courses. Instagram, need to get out there.

As said prior, I’m almost ready to collaborating with other companies/users.

Need a strategy:

  1. Define my Social Media Strategy
  2. Identify the right Social Media Platforms
  3. Define my Brand Voice
  4. Create and Manage my Posts
  5. Track and Measure my Goals.

Have questions? Contact me today to learn how I can help.

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